• Welcome to the Children’s Library

    Akron-Summit County Public Library
    60 South High Street
    Akron, OH 44326
    Monday - Thursday
    9 am - 9 pm
    9 am - 6 pm
    9 am - 5 pm
    1 pm - 5 pm

New Early Literacy DVDs

Thanks in part to a grant by the Akron Community Foundation, the library has added a collection of 30 different DVDs to help children get ready to start school. This expanded collection includes quality videos dealing with early literacy topics such as starting school, colors, numbers, letters and shapes.

This collection can be found at the Children’s Library, each of our 17 branch libraries and on the bookmobiles. While most of the titles are aimed at the young child, there are also some for parents as well. Familiar favorites like Barney, Dora, the Berenstain Bears and Mister Rogers are included, along with several Sesame Street titles. Children can practice their alphabet or counting and even learn basic sight words. A few titles introduce the child to a preschool or kindergarten setting, so they can be more comfortable when the big day arrives. Each DVD has a special label to help parents locate them on the shelf. Some agencies will have them shelved together, while others may have them on the shelf with the rest of their DVDs. Library staff will be happy to assist you in locating these titles. The titles include the following Continue reading